People living in cities have a lot to consider when adopting a dog. Limited space, size, & other lifestyle factors create a unique set of needs to make sure that both owners & pups are set up for a happy & healthy life together.
CityPups is a mobile app that helps people living in cities find the perfect dog to adopt.
Project Outcome
I referenced the user interview with Chelsea in order to improve the adoption onboarding experience by:
My Role
UX UI Designer
Time Frame
1-day workshop (August 2023)
How the App Works
Testing the Experience
Chelsea lives in New York City & is interested in adopting a dog for the first time. Does CityPups help her find a dog that matches her needs?
During the workshop, I observed Chelsea walking through the onboarding experience & documented key findings as listed below:
What Went Well
What Needs Improvement
These sketches show various ways in which multiple options might be displayed. I believe that this would improve the experience because it would give Chelsea and other users the chance to accurately describe their living situation and preferences.
I sketched several new versions of the onboarding screens to show ways to improve some of the issues observed in the usability test.